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Uplifting, life-changing, and thought-provoking, these powerful no-holds barred books were inspired by the Lord and created to touch hearts, change minds, and soothe souls. Filled with life-changing information, encouragement, and support, these books could be read in solitude or read in book clubs. They can be read on the fly or read at leisure. All of these powerful, inspirational works of art are guaranteed to soothe the soul. Feel free to browse around.

Body, Mind & Spirit: What Every African American Woman Should Know (Volume 1)
What causes African American women to have a shorter life expectancy than other women? Why do African American women suffer from depression at higher rates than women from other races? Why do African American women develop fibroids more frequently than women from other races? Why are some African American quick to attempt to destroy or humiliate other African American women? In this shocking, candid, and jaw-dropping edition of "Body, Mind & Spirit: What Every African American Woman Should Know (Volume 1)," these questions are addressed. In addition, spirituality, prayer, anxiety, cancer, depression, diabetes, fibroids, frenemies, heart disease, mate-poaching, obesity, and single parenting are discussed. Each chapter vividly explains how each of these problems adversely affect African American women and offers practical, research-based recommendations on how to overcome those problems. This electrifying book is the first part of a captivating and powerful two volume research-based comprehensive workbook designed to inform, empower, inspire, and uplift African American women without male-bashing and without downplaying the experiences of women from other races. Complete with KWL charts, "Body, Mind & Spirit," could be read in solitude or read in groups. If read in solitude, the topics will captivate the reader and inspire deep self-reflection. If read in groups, the topics will captivate the readers; inspire deep self-reflection; and serve as the catalysts for "interesting" discussions! Sensitive and taboo subjects are covered and this no-holds barred workbook is not for the faint of heart! This dynamic and life-changing workbook will surely touch hearts, change minds, and save lives!
Price: $24.99 
Body, Mind & Spirit: What Every African American Woman Should Know (Volume 2)
Why are African American women more likely to die during domestic disputes than women from other races? Why, after years of hard work, are African American women still more likely to retire in poverty? How do African American women maintain their composure and self-esteem when confronted with racism, stereotypes, and microaggressions? Body, Mind & Spirit: What Every African American Woman Should Know (Volume 2) is a sensational and captivating workbook which candidly and vividly addresses these topics and more! Mind-blowing and soul-stirring, this workbook offers sound, research-based, practical solutions to the problems without demonizing African American men and without downgrading the experiences of women from other races. This fascinating volume is designed to inform, empower, inspire, and uplift African American women! Other intriguing topics include but are not limited to sexual abuse, substance abuse, colorism, money management, African American women entrepreneurs, body image, hair care, skin care, and much more! Complete with KWL Charts and more, Body, Mind, & Spirit (Volume 2) is a dynamic workbook that could be read in solitude or read in groups. If read in solitude, it will surely captivate the reader and inspire deep self-reflection! If read in groups, it will surely captivate the readers; inspire deep self-reflection; and serve as the catalyst for "interesting" discussions! Sensitive, yet taboo subjects are addressed and this no holds barred workbook is not for the faint of heart! This dynamic and innovative book is sure to touch hearts, change minds, and save lives!
Price: $19.99
Delayed But Not Denied: The Connection Between Being Single and College Educated for African American Women
Reality or myth? Does having a college education decrease an African American woman’s chances for marriage? Are African American men really “threatened” by women who hold college degrees? Does an African American woman having a college education truly cause conflict in her romantic relationships? Powerful! Heart-Warming! Uplifting! Without male-bashing and downplaying the experiences of women from other races, “Delayed but Not Denied” attempts to answer these intriguing questions and more! Seven, educated, heterosexual, African American women were interviewed for this study. The interviewees ranged in age from the late 20s to the middle 50s. Each of the women had obtained a bachelors, masters, law, or doctoral degree in her respective field. Through the powerful testimonies of each participant, Delayed But Not Denied will surely encourage the hearts and touch the lives of single women everywhere!
Price: $10.95
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